GDPR Cookie compliance for digital publishers. Built for Google DFP, Google Adx, Google Adsense and Programmatic Advertising. EU IAB TCF and U.S. CCPA compliance.
Presents users with clear information on how their behaviour is to be tracked by cookies to meet GDPR requirements.
Only load advertising scripts if you have collected consent from your users, all managed by UniConsent, always helping you stay compliant as you work on your product.
Whitelist your vendors list. Only send consent you have collected to trusted demand parteners.
Keep your business under regulation compliance and growing without having to worry. Make the compliance process easy to understand and control. Not only cookie banners, but consent management, control and insight.
Website cookie consent management, GDPR cookie banner and data subject requests management solution for digital publishers, SaaS, Marketing, E-commerce websites.
As an independent consent management platform, certified IAB CMP for prebid header bidding. UniConsent provides full support and compliance for IAB TCF, Google Ad Manager, Remarketing tags, Facebook Pixel, Google Analytics, Cookie Auditing and disclosure, a Consent based tag manager with full integration for consent analytics.
Get started to make your website and application compliant for EU GDPR, US CPRA, CA PIPEDA etc
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