How to create a Cookie Banner (Consent Banner) with UniConsent for Google Consent Mode

You must follow the instructions on this page to create a cookie consent banner that meets Google’s requirements:

1. Follow the Setup Instructions

Refer to the Google Consent Mode V2 Manual Setup Guide or Setup Google Consent Mode V2 via Google Tag Manager for detailed setup instructions.

You can use the Google-recommended consent message if you only use Consent Mode and not the IAB TCF/IAB GPP API.

We use cookies to provide you with the best possible experience. They also allow us to analyze user behavior in order to constantly improve the website for you. <a class="class="font-bold underline cursor-pointer" href="">Privacy Policy</a>

Configure either Basic Consent Mode or Advanced Consent Mode according to the guide: How to setup Basic Consent Mode and Advanced Consent Mode v2

Create a banner that meets Google’s banner requirements in 5 minutes

Google's banner requirements:

  1. You must explains that data is collected for personalized advertising purposes
  2. Must have a links to
  3. Must includes an affirmative consent option

Step 1. Choose CMP Type

Start by creating a new project and entering your website URL. Select the CMP type, then click "Save & Next Step" and proceed to the next step.

Choose CMP TypeChoose CMP Type

Step 2. Brand Settings

Optionally configure the Website/App Name and Logo URL, and provide the Privacy Policy URL. Click "Save & Next Step" to continue.

Step 3. Regulation Policies

Optionally select the regulation policies you wish to enable. Ensure that "Enable Google Consent Mode (GCM)" and "Enable Google Consent Mode Default Status" are also activated.

Enable Google Consent ModeEnable Google Consent Mode

Step 4. Advanced Features

Click Save & Next Step.

Step 5. UI & Style Settings

Optionally customize the UI settings, including colors and languages, or keep the default setup. Click "Save & Next Step" to proceed.

Step 6. Custom Content

Optionally set up the First Layer Content with material that meets Google’s banner requirements. You can use the default content, which includes Google-recommended consent messages for Consent Mode.

Google-recommended consent messageGoogle-recommended consent message

Step 7. Install & Publish Changes

Click "Publish Changes" and then install the code at the top of your pages, before any other tags. You can find the code under the "Install & Setup" tab.

Install & Publish ChangesInstall & Publish Changes

When you encounter issues with missing Consent Mode or TCF (Transparency and Consent Framework) signals on your Google tags, it's essential to start the troubleshooting process with UniConsent support team rather than contacting Google directly.

If you are a Google client, please reach out to us via email at or post in the UniConsent Support Community Forum. The UniConsent support team will provide a technical response within 1 business day.

Contact via Phone +441134678278 for urgent issues.

Still have questions?

Contact us: or find livechat widget at your dashboard.