The Changing of Google Chrome’s Third-Party Cookie Phase-Out
Google updates its plan to phase out third-party cookies in Chrome, shifting towards user choice.
UK ICO "Consent or Pay" Guidance 2025: Compliance and Best Practices
Learn about the UK ICO "consent or pay" model for 2025, as well as compliance strategies and best practices.
Pay or Okay: The Rise of Privacy Paywall and Implications for Compliance
Learn how the "Pay or Okay" model affects user choice and compliance under GDPR.
US COPPA: FTC Updated Children’s Online Privacy Rules for EdTech Companies
The FTC has revised the COPPA rule to strengthen children’s online privacy protections, introducing stricter requirements for EdTech companies.
Coolblue Penalized for Cookie Consent Violations
Discover the GDPR compliance lessons from the Coolblue fine for cookie consent violations and how businesses can adapt to avoid similar penalties.
Leading CMP UniConsent Partners with Google to Activate Consent Mode
UniConsent partners with Google to activate Google Consent Mode, enhancing GDPR compliance and optimizing marketing analytics and performance.
RTL Belgium Ordered to Add "Reject All" Button and Stop Using Deceptive Colors on Cookie Banners
The Belgian Data Protection Authority (DPA) ruled that RTL Belgium's cookie consent practices were invalid and required it to add a "reject all" button to the first layer of its cookie banner and remove deceptive color schemes.
GDPR Compliance: Belgian DPA’s Shift to Enforceable Cookie Consent Orders
The Belgian Data Protection Authority (DPA) shifts from settlements to formal legal orders, addressing deceptive cookie banner practices. UniConsent offers tools to support compliance with these evolving regulatory requirements.
CCPA: What is Opt-Out Preference Signal (OOPS)
California has introduced a landmark privacy measure Opt-Out Preference Signals (OOPS) to enhance consumer privacy under the CCPA.
UK ICO Takes Action Against Sky Betting and Gaming for Using Cookies Without Consent
Sky Betting and Gaming has been reprimanded by the ICO for violating user consent laws through improper use of advertising cookies.
US Privacy: APRA's Role in Ensuring Data Privacy Compliance
Exploring the impact of the US Privacy Rights Act (APRA) on data privacy compliance
Google Consent Mode V2 Explained
Google Consent Mode V2 is the next evolution of Google's Consent Mode in 2024, what we should know
New York Attorney General Releases Guidelines for Website Privacy Controls
Overview of the New York Attorney General's recent guidance on website privacy controls
Google's Recent Decision to Retain Third-party Cookies
Introduce Google's recent decision to retain third-party cookies and gow to building consumer trust with UniConsent
Canada: Insights from Canada's Privacy Commissioner on Deceptive Design Patterns
Canada's Privacy Commissioner insights on addressing deceptive design patterns and UniConsent's expertise in avoiding deceptive design patterns in cookie banners
Noyb Guidelines on Cookie Banner Dark Pattern 2024
EU and National guidelines on cookie banner non-compliance risk points and UniConsent solutions
Google Data Privacy Changes: Key Updates in July 2024
GPP and US National String's impact on publishers and UniConsent CMP for United States form Jul 2024
2024 US Data Privacy Laws: Key Updates and Changes
Guide of data privacy laws in the United States, CPRA, VCDPA, CDPA, CCPA, etc. Updated 2024
Google Data Privacy Updates for US 2024: What You Need to Know
Impact on publishers in the United States and UniConsent CMP for United States
US Data Privacy: FTC Settlement With Betterhelp on Data Privacy
An analysis of the FTC's $7.8 million settlement with BetterHelp regarding health data privacy violations and its implications for digital healthcare providers.
CMP requirements in Switzerland: Impact on Swiss Publishers and UniConsent CMP for Switzerland
Impact on Swiss Publishers and UniConsent CMP for Switzerland
Announcing Consent Data Inspector for Consent Mode, IAB TCF and GPP
The most common IAB TCF implementation errors we have found on publishing websites.
European Digital Markets Act (DMA) enforcement, Consent Mode and Consent Management
European Digital Markets Act (DMA) enforcement, Consent Mode and Consent Management
IAB GPP: Prepare and Enable Global Privacy Platform in 2024
Explore the necessity of enabling GPP API 2.2 for Publishers in 2024
Google Certified CMP: Google Certified CMP Enforcement for AdSense, Ad Manager, and AdMob
Google will begin enforcing consent management requirements on 16 January 2024
Meta's 'Pay or Okay' Model: Legal and Ethical Implications for Publishers
Is it acceptable to compel users to either pay a fee or provide consent for GDPR compliance?
UK ICO Call for Reject All Button on Cookie Banners: Navigating Compliance and Privacy
UK ICO Call for Reject All Button on Cookie Banners: Navigating Compliance and Privacy
IAB TCF 2.2 Deadline: Upgrade to IAB TCF 2.2 by November 20, 2023
IAB TCF 2.2 Deadline is coming, publishers should upgrade to IAB TCF 2.2 in one week.
IAB TCF 2.2: Transitioning to TCF 2.2
How can we prepare for the IAB TCF 2.2 update? What is changed in the IAB TCF 2.2 update?
Google Certified CMP: UniConsent CMP Receives Official Certification as a Google-Certified Consent Management Platform (CMP)
Find Google Certified CMP for Ad Manager, AdMob, AdSense in the EEA and UK. UniConsent CMP is Google's Certified CMP
Google certified CMP: UniConsent CMP Initiates Certification Process for Google's Certified CMP
UniConsent CMP Initiates Certification Process for Google's Certified CMP
IAB MSPA: UniConsent CMP for IAB Multi-State Privacy Agreement API and MSPA Consent Signal
Implementing The MSPA for California, Colorado, Virginia, Connecticut and Utah
Announcing GPP (Global Privacy Platform) API support in UniConsent CMP
Uniconsent CMP is now offering support for the global privacy platform API.
IAB TCF Canada CMP: Support for IAB Canada’s Transparency and Consent Framework
UniConsent CMP is a registered CMP for IAB TCF Canada.
EU Privacy Campaign Group filed a batch of warnings to websites with non-compliant cookie banners
EU Privacy Campaign Group filed a batch of warnings to websites with non-compliant cookie banners
Spain: Spanish DPA AEPD issues several fines for GDPR violations during June and July 2022
Spanish DPA AEPD fines individuals for GDPR data minimisation violations and others
Czech Republic: the half year cookie compliance monitoring report from Czech DPA
Czech Republic DPA 'UOOU' published cookie compliance report for the first half of 2022
TikTok: EU DPAs warn TikTok following announcement on the legal basis for targeted advertising
Italian DPA and Spanish DPA initiated investigation into TikTok following an announcement on the legal basis for targeted advertising
UK GDPR: UK may remove the need for cookie banner pop-ups for low risk activities
uK may remove the need for cookie banner pop-ups for low risk activities such as audience measurement
IAB Tech Lab released Global Privacy Platform (GPP) specifications
Global Privacy Platform (GPP) standard is launched by IAB Tech Lab on 1st June 2022.
What is new about IAB TCF: GVL changes and Action Plan of IAB TCF to the Belgian DPA Decision
What are the upcoming changes at IAB TCF CMP and action plans for the Belgian DPA Decision
Reject All button at cookie banner for GDPR in each country
Do I need a Reject button on my cookie banner? How to add Reject All to a Cookie Banner
IAB TCF Update, Reduction of the timestamps precision in the TC String
IAB TCF update: Reduction of the timestamps precision in the TC String.
Italy Garante: Guidelines on Cookies & Tracking Technologies takes effect on 9th Jan 2022
Italy Garante's Guidelines on Cookies & Tracking Technologies takes effect on 9th Jan 2022.
Austrian DPA: Google Analytics violates "Schrems II" decision by CJEU
Austrian DPA/DSB has decided on a model case by noyb that the continuous use of Google Analytics violates the GDPR.
How to Setup Consent Manager: Add a Privacy Settings Link or Privacy Badge on Your Website
How to Add a Privacy Settings Link or Privacy Badge on Your Website to Manage GDPR/CCPA Consent
Avoid GDPR Dark Patterns with UniConsent CMP
Are you aware of GDPR dark patterns? - If you are handling any kind of user data or running advertising trackers.
What to Know About the Recent IAB changes to CCPA compliance
Recently the IAB (Interactive Advertising Bureau) has released amendments to the CCPA agreement for compliance.
Disqus issued fine against breaking GDPR consent rules for 2.5 million euros
Disqus has been under fire recently by the Norwegian Data Protection authority for breaking rules and failing to comply with GDPR because the data collected was without valid consent.
What is Google's FLoC and How does it Impact User Privacy
Google FLoC is Google's solution to replace the third-party cookies.
How to Make Your Website GDPR CCPA Compliant With UnicScript
UnicScript is a metadata script designed by UniConsent and available on the sites installed UniConsent CMP.
CMP for AMP: How UniConsent Consent Manager for AMP works
UniConsent was one of the first vendors to fully support AMP content, allowing publishers to easily comply with data regulations around the world.
How UniConsent can help you comply with upcoming IAB privacy policies in Canada
How UniConsent can help you comply with upcoming IAB privacy policies in Canada
Fashion brand in the UK fined £60,000 for violating PECR and Consent Management
UK ICO has issued the fine for Just Hype Ltd for their illegal activities based on breaking the Privacy act and PECR.
UK ICO fined E-Commerce company £10,000 for unsolicited marketing emails
UK ICO fined a company £10,000 for sending unsolicited marketing emails without consent
Family Service in Belgium is fined 50,000 euro for GDPR consent violations and transparency
Belgian DPA imposes €50,000 Fine on Family Service
9 Most Common Mistakes of IAB TCF CMP implementation
The most common IAB TCF implementation errors we have found on publishing websites.
GDPR: Grindr is fined €10M by Norwegian DPA for GDPR consent violations
Grindr is being fined €10M by Norwegian authorities because of sharing user data without consent.
GDPR: Two-person small business is fined €7,300
A two-person small business is sanctioned with a fine of €7,300 by the CNIL because of sending email without consent.
GDPR: CaixaBank in Spain is fined €6M for consent failure
Spain GDPR CaixaBank consent failures fines on 13 January 2021.
IAB TCF 2.1 Update: Background, Keypoints and Deadline
How can we prepare for the IAB TCF 2.1 update? What is changed in the IAB TCF 2.1 update?
Why Publishers Choose UniConsent IAB TCF 2.0 Consent Manager
What is New about IAB TCF 2.0 GDPR Consent Manager aka CMP in the end of 2020.
How to make your Google Analytics GDPR Compliant with UniConsent
All you should know about how to make Google analtyics GDPR compliance
Buyer's Guide of IAB TCF 2.0 CMP for Publishers and Ad Network
How to choose IAB TCF 2.0 CMP for Ad Manager, Adsense, Prebid
How to fix Google Ad Manager IAB TCF 2.0 Error
How to fix Google TCF 2.0 Error IAB TCF v2.0 errors detected. Download the TCF error report
What is new in UniConsent v2 and IAB TCF v2
What is new in IAB TCF v2 and UniConsent v2 for publishers and digital marketers.
How Facebook tracks Your Users on Your Website
Facebook launched a new tool allowing users to see their off facebook activities and other personal data.
How to Make Your Prebid Setup CCPA Compliant
IAB CCPA framework CMP, Website cookie banner, CCPA compliance solution for publishers. Prebid CCPA compliance CMP.
UniConsent Released the CCPA Compliance Solution for Publishers
CCPA Compliance provider UniConsent implemented CCPA U.S. Privacy Technical Specifications.
GDPR Fines List and News July 2019 - Nov 2019
Which company is fined by EU regulators because of GDPR laws.
CCPA Consent Management Requirement
How to setup consent manager for US California Consumer Privacy Act
UK ICO Issued a Reminder of How Cookies Should be Used for GDPR
How UK ICO says about cookies and GDPR, cookie notice and cookie banners
Setup UniConsent GDPR CMP with Google Tag Manager
You can find how to setup GDPR/CCPA CMP with Google Tag Manager and other tag Manager.
Consent Rate and Adblocking Rate Monitoring
Start to measure the consent rate and ad blockers on your website.