UniConsent CMP provides internal integration with Prebid consent management modules, including IAB TCF, GPP, and CCPA.
pbjs.setConfig({ gdpr: { cmpApi: "iab", timeout: 3000, allowAuctionWithoutConsent: false, }, usp: { cmpApi: "iab", timeout: 500, }, gpp: { cmpApi: "iab", timeout: 3000, }, });
export default class UniConsentCMP { static cmpReady(next) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { window.__tcfapi && window.__tcfapi("addEventListener", 2, function (tcData, success) { if (tcData && !tcData.gdprApplies) { resolve(next); } if ( (tcData && tcData.eventStatus === "tcloaded") || tcData.eventStatus === "useractioncomplete" ) { resolve(next); } }); }); } } await UniConsentCMP.cmpReady();
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